P.S. A wise man once said everything that we have in life is a direct result of the choices that we make and don't make.
I think the choices that we don't make are the ones that really matter. I don't think you ever hear anybody sitting in a nursing home at 80 years old talking about the mistakes of the things that they did do in their life.
It’s always the regrets of the things that they didn't do that sadden them and depress them in their old age.
Are you ready? Are you going to regret later that you didn't take action? That you didn't do something? That you didn't take a chance? That you didn't roll the dice?
Come on. Make something happen for once in your life. Be proactive. Be positive and take action. Grow a spine. Be a man. Do the right thing. Come on. Let's get started.
Am I pushing you? You bet. I'm going to push you because I know this fourty bucks doesn't matter to you one way or the other. You'll spend that kind of money on a dinner out. Fourty bucks doesn't matter to anybody.
What DOES matter is that you go out and take action. That you do things right in your life That you make life interesting and exciting again.
P.P.S. One of my favorite people in the world, Lee Iacocca, said the number one thing that he looks for in a successful person is the ability to make a decision.
Most people sit on the fence. You know what? The fence pay is terrible. Nobody ever gets anywhere sitting on the fence but I'll bet that’s where you're firmly planted right now, isn't it?
Which way are you going to go? Are you just going to sit there? Are you going to tip back into mediocrity? Go back into work tomorrow and decide that you're going to dedicate yourself and do an even better job at what you do whether they decide to fire you later or not?
Are you going to take action and be your own person, to take charge of your life and your job. I know what I'd do. What about you?
Remember - the Occupational Safety and Health Administration can fine your company $7,000for each person operating a forklift that you can't prove has been certified in the last 3 years.
Do you have the proof you need?
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