Virginia Forklift Certification - Forklift Requirements for VA

Are You an Experienced Forklift Operator Working in Virginia?

Hey Virginia, it's time to update your thinking on how you can earn your forklift certification. The old way of taking a traditional class for your learning has been replaced with the fast paced world of the Internet, and with our course you can become certified in a very short amount of time.

The contents of our course are no different than a traditional course. We make sure that OSHA approves the material we present to you so that you can display your license proudly. So what is different? Pretty much everything else!

As with any forklift license that you can earn in Virginia Beach, Norfolk, Chesapeake, Arlington, Richmond, or anywhere else in the state, it will last for 3 years, unless you do something to get it taken away early. In addition your certificate is recognized nationally and even outside of the country in Mexico and Canada.

  Silver Gold Platinum
Instant Access True True True
Easy to follow Forklift Operator Course True True True
Access from any computer True True True
Always open 24/7 True True True
Study when It's Best for You True True True
Complete OSHA Compliance True True True
Daily Inspection Checklist True True True
Online Test True True True
Wallet Card True True True
Instant-Print Completion Certificate False True True
Verify Your Card Number Online False False True
Hard Hat Certification Sticker False False True
Price $38 $48 $58 $48




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